This is no ordinary 'boy meets girl' love story; neither is it a 'boy chases girl and gets her in the end'. We worked at a local restaurant together, surprisingly not noticing one another until that faithful day, or so I thought. One day in late winter I saw a pair of beautiful eyes looking over the service window on the cook line. I ignored the stare. I went to wash my hands later that day, only to find the most beautiful young woman I had ever seen so easily making conversation with me. We started talking about how we both enjoy working out. Then, we talked about how we both love to run. Then, we talked life. Countless nights were spend engulfed in each others presence. The nights we were away from each other seemed like its own eternity. To lessen this feeling we moved in together. The true test. There were bumps in the road. There were hills to crawl over...and then there were islands and small countries that simply just had to be explored and established. After some time, we knew each other. We could get upset and the other would know before either of us spoke a word. We were one...but not in God. We knew we loved each other as we loved ourselves. We knew that we could live together and coexist. We also knew what the Word says. So there came I time when I pulled a side my best friend Eric and exained to him in so many words why...it was time. I put an engagement ring on hold until I could pay it off. The day I payed the ring off and was ready to pop the question just happened to be one of the days I had done something wrong. Perfect. It was raining. I got up early that morning and went to pick up her ring. I came back home to a cold shoulder and a walking spirit. I got out of the car and held her hand to stop her from going upstairs upset. In the pouring rain, I proposed. October 20, 2010. We knew we would be together forever. On Valentines, February 14, 2011 we made it official and became ONE. This is the beginning of our book, of course shortened and sweetened, but there are plenty of blank pages to fill and plenty of time to do so.

We would like to thank everyone of our family members and/or close friends that have taken out the time to recognize our union. We love you all.