We both met in 2005 when Sam first started school at Mississippi College. Sam played in the praise band at school with my roommate, Seth. Through the years we have been really great friends and have been somewhat of a sustaining rock for the other (sometimes without even realizing it). We have both traveled to different countries for missions and throughout each of those times, been able to keep a pretty deep friendship and constantly encourage one another.
When we both decided to move to Fort Worth, TX for seminary this past August 2009, we began to hang out more frequently. Eventually one night after many talks of what we wanted to do with our lives, why we were at seminary, why we enjoyed hanging out with one another, etc. Sam looked at me and said, "I think you like me and you just realized it." To which I said, "yep." Thus, began a few weeks of praying about dating, looking at what that would look like for us and for our future and so forth. Eventually, I took Sam for a walk around campus and told her I would like to date her and see where things go.
We dated several months and then I realized I didn't want to spend the rest of my life without her so, I began the process of asking people for advice and prayer. I picked out a ring and then on Thursday, February 11, 2010, in the blizzard that hit Fort Worth, I took Sam for a walk around campus. We walked all the way around the school (snow falling, freezing) and stopped in front of the music building (where my old roommate was standing with his violin). I gave Sam a card and told her I wanted her to read it. As soon as she began reading it, the violin started playing "Divine Romance" by Phil Wickham. Towards the end of the card, I had written in tiny print so she would have to hold it up to her face and I would have the chance to get on my knee. She only had to hold it a little ways away from her face. It said, "if you're reading this, that means I'm on my knee and have a question to ask you". When she looked up I said, "did you read it?" She said, "well yeah." So, I got down on one knee and asked Sam to be my wife. When I did this, she began laughing uncontrollably. It took me a minute to regain composure because it wasn't exactly how I planned it to be. Eventually I got her to say yes and she tried to take the ring without putting it on her hand. I told her, "if you're going to take my ring, you're going to put it on."
Sam put the ring on and I explained to her how I wanted the ring to represent out relationship with one another and with the LORD. One of the small diamonds on the side is her grandmother's engagement ring diamond. There are three diamonds on each side of a center diamond. I wanted a .33 diamond for the center so it would represent Matthew 6:33...also the reason for our wedding time.
Sam and I desire to live a missional life and serve overseas one day as the LORD leads. We are very excited to embark on the next step of our amazing journey together as husband and wife. Thank you for being a part of our adventure!

First Baptist Church Clinton
100 E. College St.
Clinton, MS 39056
6:33 PM
Main Sanctuary

Reception to follow.
More details to come.

Airport information and hotel information to come.

We love each of you and are so excited that you have chosen to support our marriage. We know the LORD has great things in store for our life together and are excited that you want to be a part of it. If you want to give to our honeymoon, please feel free to do so below. We have registered for everything we could think of so feel free to read through the descriptions. Again, thank you so much for loving on us.